Monday, July 20, 2009

DHS Critical Infrastructure

I found this to be an interesting analysis, locating the visible and non-visible lines of site, this is definitely a useful tool in an infrastructure analysis. I also never knew a graph could be made from the graphic lines. Very interesting.

I chose to add a few extra features to this map, to better show the area we were dealing with. I also tried labeling the hospital sites but decided it looked much to cluttered, so I chose to label them using the FID# and label them in the margin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For Deliverable 2, I chose to display the landmark point features and I created a map for the exported image. I also included the roads in the map for reference only.
For deliverable 1 I chose to just make a map of the Bay Area Urban Areas and display the areas using a different shade for the legend.